Dear Claude,

I have recently been informed
By my personal assistant
That, despite what it may seem,
You're not really a good brave kid:
Your behavior is inconsistent.

You indeed work very hard
But I think that you are aware
That by making tight fair schedules
You have made many of your colleagues
Work much harder in the fair!

You dress neatly every day
And take showers with some frequency
But what you actually 've inside
Is a punk pushing to go out
And fight back against all decency.

And don't even get me started
About all that food you eat:
Do you really like McDonald?'s?
Sure you fancy KFC?
That's just tasteless processed meat!

But what I really can't stand
Is that rumor that I've heard:
That you favor hip hop creatures,
Green elves with no real feature
Instead of my Black Pete nerds.

I was thinking on a gift
That could serve some greater good:
Maybe bringing you a camera
Would support your creative hobby
And you'd behave the way you should.

I decided instead for this,
To enjoy on a vacation:
It reveals your inner soul,
Makes you shout, and love, and sing.
Hope it brings you inspiration!

Best for the year,


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