var w = null, text = null, arr = null, max = null;
var current = 0;
var current_id = null;

function getRandomSentence() {

  var random = [
"Caca culo pedo pis.",
"Tu culo huele mal.",
"Este cuento es muy tonto.",
"Yo no quiero leer más, déjame en paz.",
"Baila con el culo, baila con el pito."
var l = random.length;
var i = dice(l);
return randomi?;


function dice(faces) {

   var i = Math.floor((Math.random() * faces));
return i;



$('.cuento').each( function() {

   var title =  $(this).attr('name');
var cid = $(this).attr('id');
var bid = cid + "_btn";
$('#menu').append('<a id="' + bid + '" href="#" class="button menu_btn">' + title +'</a>');
$('#' + bid).click( function() {
w = $("#" + cid);
text = w.text().trim();
arr = text.split(/\.\n?+/gm);
// arr = text.split(/\.\n?+/);
max = arr.length -1 ;
current = app.Load Number?('pag_' + cid, 0);
current_id = cid;


function setPage() {

   if (current < 0) {
current = 0;
if (current > max ) {
current = 0;
var t = arrcurrent?.trim();
if (/.*a-z?$/.test(t)) {
// Add a dot if necessary:
t = t + '.';
app.Save Number?('pag_' + current_id, current);
$('#pageCnt').text(current + 1);


$('#pageCnt').click(function() {

   current = 0;


$('#next').click(function() {



$('#prev').click(function() {



$('#texto').click(function() {

   var pitch = 1.0, speed = .6;
var read = arrcurrent? + ".";
read = read.replace("- ", "");
if (!dice(6)) {
// One in every few cases, we also read a random sentence :-)
read = read + " " + getRandomSentence();
app.Text To Speech?( read, pitch, speed );


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